Task 1: a summary of the legal framework of ICT in ESO
The Organic Law for Improvement of the Quality of Education (LOMCE) from 2013 states in Article 6 that ICT must be a cross-curricular topic covered in all subjects of ESO, so it is quite evident it is essential to develop our students' ICT skills.
In the specific case of the English as a Foreign Language curriculum for ESO and Bachillerato, we find Information and communications technology is present in the contents section of all 5 blocks of each course (from 1st ESO to 2nd Bachillerato).
Moreover, LOMCE introduced 7 key competences that all students are supposed to acquire in order to achieve full personal, social and professional development.
One of these 7 competences is Digital competence, related to a critical, safe and creative use of information and communication technology tools.
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